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Quantitation of 6‐gingerol Using the Versatile PLC 2050 Liquid Chromatography System

Gilson의 'Quantitation of 6‐gingerol Using the Versatile PLC 2050 Liquid Chromatography System'을 이용한 응용자료는 한국분석기기(주)에서 제공하였으며 주요 내용은 다음과 같다.

Fractionation of Ginger(Zingiber officinale Rosc.) has identified bioactive components, including the antioxidant 6-gingerol.
A crude extract of gingerol was used to demonstrate the capacity of the Gilson PLC 2050(Personal Liquid Chromatography) system to separate and quantitate compounds with analytical HPLC columns. Method development was first performed on a LaChrom EliteTM analytical HPLC system(Hitachi) and then transferred to the Gilson PLC 2050 for chromatographic comparison.

Figure 1. Gilson PLC 2050.

LaChrom Elite(Hitachi) is equipped with a 10mL/min quaternary gradient pumping system, Photodiode Array Detector(200-800 nm), and EZChrom Elite™ Chromatography Data Software.

PLC 2050(Gilson) is equipped with a 50ml/min quaternary gradient pumping system, UV/V is detector(200-800nm), and Gilson Glider Prep Software.

Analytical Method is the same for all tests(see Table1).

Table 1. Analytical conditions used to generate the gingerol extract chromatograms.

In this test, the profile of analytical separation on the PLC 2050 (Figure 2B) was similar to the chromatogram obtained using the LaChrom EliteTM HPLC system(Figure 2A).

Figure 2. HPLC Chromatogram at 210 nm. Gingerol (inset) was separated from a crude extract using A) a LaChrom EliteTM (Hitachi) and B) a Gilson PLC 2050 personal chromatography system.

• The Gilson PLC 2050 system allows for reproducible analytical injections with good resolution on a 4.6mm ID HPLC column. Results were obtained using a 1.3mm path length flow cell; however a flow cell with a longer path length (2.4mm) could be useful for better sensitivity.
• In addition to the analytical capabilities illustrated here, the PLC 2050 can also be used with MPLC, preparative HPLC and CPC columns for automated compound purification, making it a highly versatile laboratory tool for both purification and analysis.

'Quantitation of 6‐gingerol Using the Versatile PLC 2050 Liquid Chromatography System'에 대한 궁금한 내용은 본 원고자료를 제공한 한국분석기기(주)를 통하여 확인할 수 있다.

Reference(참고문헌): Application Note PHA0314 (pp1-2)

Model Name(모델명): PLC 2050 System
The Person in Charge(담당자): Hyesook An
Maker(제조사): Gilson.
Country of Origin(원산지): France
e-mail: kaisco1@kaisco.co.kr
Data Services(자료제공): KAISCO.

<이 기사는 사이언스21 매거진 2021년 3월호에 게재 되었습니다.>


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